HomePhần Mềm Midas


MIDAS develops and distributes engineering software and provides total solution service for civil and mechanical engineering and construction.

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This tutorial identifies the soil–structure interaction by analyzing construction stage of 3D retaining wall excavation and a piled foundation. It is possible to review in detail the stress distributions on cross-sections, which is not possible in 2D models. Also, interface is added between ground and retaining wall to simulate the ground-structure interaction more realistically. The evaluation of the soil-structure behavior is done by using pile elements, not by simple beam elements. Also, pile elements are perfect for evaluating the soil-structure behavior because it can consider the influence of interface between pile and adjacent ground.

Key Points

Modeling geometry in 2D and 3D
Defining of materials and properties
Mesh Generation of 3D soil, 2D walls and 1D pile elements
Application of interface elements to wall and piles
Set up of Construction stages
Inspection of soil structure interaction results

GTS NX is a comprehensive finite element analysis software package that is equipped to handle the entire range of geotechnical design applications including deep foundations, excavations, complex tunnel systems, seepage analysis, consolidation analysis, embankment design, dynamic and slope stability analysis. GTS NX also has an advanced user friendly modeling platform that enables unmatched levels of precision and efficiency.

As the next generation geotechnical analysis software, midas GTS NX features the newest development in cutting-edge computer graphics and analysis technology. GTS NX fully supports the latest 64-bit OS Graphic user interface. The intuitive interface will enable new users to easily integrate the software in their work process. The fast analysis speed, outstanding graphics, and output capabilities will provide users with a new and advanced level of geotechnical design.

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