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Tall Building Structures: Analysis and Design Bryan Stafford Smith, Alex Coull ISBN: 978-0-471-51237-0 552 pages July 1991

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Tall Building Structures Analysis and Design

Tall Building Structures Analysis and Design


Examines structural aspects of high rise buildings, particularly fundamental approaches to the analysis of the behavior of different forms of building structures including frame, shear wall, tubular, core and outrigger-braced systems. Introductory chapters discuss the forces to which the structure is subjected, design criteria which are of the greatest relevance to tall buildings, and various structural forms which have developed over the years since the first skyscrapers were built at the turn of the century. A major chapter is devoted to the modeling of real structures for both preliminary and final analyses. Considerable attention is devoted to the assessment of the stability of the structure, and the significance of creep and shrinkage is discussed. A final chapter is devoted to the dynamic response of structures subjected to wind and earthquake forces. Includes both accurate computer-based and approximate methods of analysis.

Download ebook Tall Building Structures Analysis and Design

Download ebook Tall Building Structures Analysis and Design

Table of Contents

Tall Buildings.

Design Criteria.


Structural Form.

Modeling for Analysis.

Braced Frames.

Rigid-Frame Structures.

Infilled-Frame Structures.

Shear Wall Structures.

Coupled Shear Wall Structures.

Wall-Frame Structures.

Tubular Structures.

Core Structures.

Outrigger-Braced Structures.

Generalized Theory.

Stability of High-Rise Buildings.

Dynamic Analysis.

Creep, Shrinkage, and Temperature Effects.




Tall Building Structures: Analysis and Design

Bryan Stafford Smith, Alex Coull
ISBN: 978-0-471-51237-0
552 pages
July 1991

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