HomePhần mềm PROKON

Sumo Structural Modeller

PROKON® Structural Analysis and Design là bộ phần mềm hơn 40 modun bao gồm phân tích, thiết kế và triển khai chi tiết.

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PROKON phân tích khung phẳng

Sumo is a three-dimensional structural modeller and building information modelling (BIM) software. With Sumo you can build 3D models of structures using physical structural components such as beams, columns and slabs. Sumo shields you from the complexities of finite element analysis while still keeping you in control of the finer details.

Basic list of analysis features:

  • Finite elements: Beam and shell finite elements.
  • Static analysis modes: Linear, second-order, (geometric) non-linear, and buckling analysis.
  • Dynamic analysis modes: Modal (mode shapes and frequencies), harmonic (cyclic loads) and seismic (response spectrum) analysis.
  • Reinforced concrete design: Design of slabs and walls modelled using shell finite elements.
  • Design links: Design of steel members and connections, reinforced concrete members and timber members via the PROKON design links.

When it was released in February 2012, Sumo included nearly all the analysis functionality of Frame Analysis. Some advanced analysis features, such as the use of solid finite elements, were still under development. Sumo can import and export Frame Analysis models, making for seamless collaboration between team members using either program. Sumo offers many advantages over Frame Analysis, however, that will likely make it the analysis tool of choice for most PROKON users:

  • Easier and faster input: By using structural components such as beam, columns and slabs, Sumo shields the user from intricacies such as nodes and node numbering, and finite meshing of slabs
  • Easier access to detailed analysis output: One can filter analysis output using multiple criteria, e.g. certain beam sections, or forces over a certain value.
  • Member and connection design: Like Frame Analysis, Sumo integrates with the PROKON the steel, concrete and timber design modules—analyse the model, select one or more structural elements or connections, and transfer the geometric and loading information to the relevant design module.

The Future of Frame Analysis

While Sumo is positioned to eventually replace Frame Analysis as the primary analysis tool in PROKON, demand for Frame Analysis will likely remain strong for many more years. Maintenance updates of Frame Analysis will continue for as long as that is the case.


Sumo Structural Modeller is currently available as a “differential upgrade” from Frame Analysis. Existing users of Frame Analysis that upgrade to Sumo pay only the difference in price. Or for new orders, if you pay for Sumo then you get Frame Analysis and all its add-on modules at no extra charge.

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