A family is a group of elements with a common set of properties, called parameters, and a related graphical representation.

Revit Families for Mechanical Engineers
Install Revit software
All of the elements that you add to your Revit projects whether they are walls, roofs, doors, structural members, mechanical equipment, or plumbing fixtures; or even annotation elements such as symbols, tags, and gridlines are organized into families.
In this course I am gonna talk about:
The Different Kinds of Families
System Families
Loadable Families
Nested and shared components in a Project
Scheduling Shared Components
The Family Editor: Use the Family Editor to make changes to existing families or to create new families.
Working with Families.
Working on DWG Block
Creating Simple AC Unit
Creating Pipe Gas systems
You should installed Autodesk Revit software before taking this course.
The course for engineers and students in engineering college.
No need experience of creating families.
Basic knowledge of Autodesk Revit is must.
Who this course is for:
Students in engineering college
Revit Families: A Step-by-Step Introduction
A family is a group of elements with a common set of properties, called parameters, and a related graphical representation.
Different elements belonging to a family may have different values for some or all of their parameters, but the set of parameters (their names and meanings) is the same. These variations within the family are called family types or types.
The Furniture category includes families and family types that you can use to create different pieces of furniture, like desks, chairs, and cabinets.
The Structural Column category includes families and family types that you can use to create different wide flanged, precast concrete, angle, and other columns.
The Sprinkler category includes families and family types that you can use to create different dry and wet sprinkler systems.
Although these families serve different purposes and are composed of different materials, they have a related use. Each type in the family has a related graphical representation and an identical set of parameters, called the family type parameters.
When you create an element in a project with a specific family and family type, you create an instance of the element. Each element instance has a set of properties, in which you can change some element parameters independent of the family type parameters. These changes apply only to the instance of the element, the single element in the project. If you make any changes to the family type parameters, the changes apply to all element instances that you created with that type.